Get Everything You Ever Wanted : Daily Meal Planning


Daily Meal Planning

Now you have almost all the information and tools you need to begin to create your
personal Diet Solution Meal Plan. In this chapter, you will learn the proper food ratios for your
metabolism type, determine the ideal food servings for your daily calorie requirements, refine the
food choices for your metabolism type, and then use all of this information to create your own
personal meal plan—and be well on your way to weight loss success.

At this point, you should have already discovered whether you are a Protein Type, a Carb
Type, or a Mixed Type according to the instructions in the Chapter on Metabolism Types; estimated
your daily calorie requirements using the equation in the Chapter on Calories and printed
your Success Journal. We’ll use the following charts in the Guides and Charts Chapter (towards
the end of this manual) to create your meal plans in your Success Journal:
• Allowable Servings Chart
• Ideal Food Ratios For Each Metabolism Type Chart
• Food Choices Chart

Step 1: Identify Ideal Protein–Carbohydrate–Fat Ratios

On the Ideal Food Ratios for Each Metabolism Type chart, you see that different ratios
of calories from proteins, carbohydrates (listed as Carbs on the chart), and fats are ideal for each
metabolism type. Carb Types should eat approximately 20% proteins, 70% carbohydrates, and
10% fats; Mixed Types should eat approximately 40% proteins, 50% carbohydrates, and 10%
fats; and Protein Types should eat approximately 45% proteins, 35% carbohydrates, and 20%

For example, if you’re a Mixed Type, each meal or snack (including your drink) should
contain about half protein and half carbohydrates. (Note: The 10% fat would come from your
protein source or from some added healthy oil.) Use the Allowable Servings Guide to create
your own meal plans. You’ll soon learn to tune in to your body’s responses and learn when you
have eaten the right amounts for you.

Step 2: Determine Your Allowable Food Servings

To determine your ideal food servings, refer to the Allowable Servings Guide. Locate
the heading that lists your daily calorie requirements (as determined by the calorie equation
given under Determine Daily Calorie Requirements, in the Chapter on Calories), then the
column in that section that applies to your metabolism type. For example, a person who requires
2,000 calories a day and is a Protein Type should search first for the “2,000 calories/day” heading
(bottom left section of the chart) and then for the Protein information (unshaded column under
the “2,000 calories/day” heading). Starting from the top of this column, you can see that this person
should have three protein servings and one carbohydrate serving for Breakfast, three protein
servings and one carbohydrate serving for a Snack, and so on down the column.
Transfer your allowable servings information to a new page in your Success Journal .

 Step 4: Plan Your Meals
 Finally, put all the pieces together to create a truly personal meal plan—one that meets
the needs of your metabolism type and includes foods that you enjoy. Let’s start with an example.
According to the Allowable Servings Guide, a Protein Type requires three protein servings
at Breakfast. Possible options from the Protein Type chart could be
• 2 eggs and 1 slice of bacon
• 3 ounces of meat or poultry (possibly leftovers from the night before)
• or something else from the chart

A Protein Type also requires one carbohydrate serving at Breakfast. Possible options from
Carbohydrate chart could be
• 1 medium apple
• 1 cup of spinach (e.g., in an omelet)
• 1 cup of cooked oatmeal
• or something else from the chart
For a Snack, a Protein Type requires three protein servings and one carbohydrate serving,
which could be
• 1½ ounces of raw almonds and 1 medium apple
• 3 oz leftover turkey and ½ cup each of celery and carrots (a mini meal)
• or something else from the chart
Now plan a Breakfast using your unique information, and list these choices on a Meal
Planning worksheet in your Success Journal under Breakfast. Refer to the example Meal Plans
provided below. (Although the serving sizes may not be exact for your needs, the sample meals
demonstrate how to combine servings of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats together in a meal.)
Do the same thing for your morning and afternoon Snacks. Keep in mind that snacks
don’t have to be the kinds of unhealthy, empty-calorie foods that people normally associate with
snacking (chips, candy, and cookies). Healthy, nutritious snack alternatives like raw nuts and a
fruit also have the advantage of being easily transportable. To choose your best snack options,
think about your typical day and where you will be during mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack
times. If you will be on the move, then your snack should be shelf-stable, easily transportable,
and easy to eat with your hands. If you will have access to a refrigerator or a cooler, then your
snack can be a mini meal that consists of leftovers from the day before.
The process of creating meals for Lunch and Dinner is the same as for Breakfast and
Snacks, but you will add Fat servings, as indicated on the Allowable Servings Guide. Don’t
give in to society’s urging to avoid all fats, thinking that doing so will help you lose weight
faster. In fact, you must consume a substantial amount of healthy fat each day to lose weight,
keep energy levels high, and feel satiated. (the Chapter on Fats addresses this topic in detail.)
Also, the Recipe Guide will help you cook up some healthy and delicious meals.

Plan another day or two of meals while you’re at it, using another page in your Success
Here are examples of what a daily meal plan may look like for each Metabolism Type